Bouquet of Playfulness

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Meadow Art Deco Necklace for Free Spirits

Flowers come in all sizes – from 9 feet to 9 millimetres – irrespective of their size they are nature’s magic. Alyssums come in small bunches, like little bouquets of candies. They mostly bloom in pearly whites, ivories and yellow.
The name alyssum comes from the Greek meaning "without madness". In the language of flowers, sweet alyssum means "worth beyond beauty". With tiny flower heads, as small as 2mm, these little wildflowers symbolise calmness.

Meadow Art Deco Ring for Free Spirits

The name alyssum comes from the Greek meaning "without madness". In the language of flowers, sweet alyssum means "worth beyond beauty". With tiny flower heads, as small as 2mm, these little wildflowers symbolise calmness. This little piece of jewellery is populated with teeny tiny little sweet alyssums to bring together a meadow like feeling inside canvas less than 2 cm.

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Did you know? Floriography, also known as the language of flowers, is the practice of attributing meanings and symbolism to flowers and has been recorded in traditional cultures around the world for thousands of years. in Old England, China, Japan and plenty of other places, flowers were used to communicate feelings.

With our flower sets, you can now communicate little things to yourself or your loved ones in a generous manner.


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