Bouquet of Good Luck

Original price was: ₹1,305.00.Current price is: ₹1,174.50.Save ₹130.50

Abundance Bracelet

Each leaf of the clove represents something special. One leaf  represents faith, one hope , and one love. And if you are lucky enough to find a clover with four leaves then that one signifies luck. We have for you a lucky four leaved clover in a unique flower shaped frame. Wear it to feel fortunate and look incomparable.

Four Clover Container Locket for Abundance and Luck

Each leaf of the clover represents some special quality. One leaf  represents faith, one hope , and one love. And if you are lucky enough to find a clover with four leaves then that one signifies luck. We found you a four leaved clover and placed it in an intricate delicate frame. Wear it for luck as well as the sheer beauty of it. This filigree locket was inspired by the Victorian design carried by royalty.

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Did you know? Floriography, also known as the language of flowers, is the practice of attributing meanings and symbolism to flowers and has been recorded in traditional cultures around the world for thousands of years. in Old England, China, Japan and plenty of other places, flowers were used to communicate feelings.

With our flower sets, you can now communicate little things to yourself or your loved ones in a generous manner.


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