Bouquet of Opposites (attract)

Original price was: ₹1,630.00.Current price is: ₹1,467.00.Save ₹163.00

Blue Lobelia Earrings for Healing Anger

It’s amazing how a little flower like the Lobelia can really pack quite a punch in terms of its appearance and significance. The jug like flower attracts many butterflies and hummingbirds for its nectar. It is no surprise that in the Victorian Language of Flowers, Lobelia signified Distinction. This is meant to convey that the person you are giving these flowers to is very distinct and unique in their persona. This person could also be yourself.

Fairy Fan Elongated Necklace for Star Crossed Love

The Fairy Fan flower aka Scaevola flower with its purple blue hues are a sight to behold. They look like half of a flower and history has a sad story for it. The Scaevola flowers were once complete, circular like a daisy. They represented the oneness of the entwined left and right hands of a woman and her lover walking together. But the lovers quarrelled and the woman wrenched her hand away, tearing the flower in half. The gods were angered by her tantrum, and decreed that all plants would forever bear flowers shaped like a circle cut in two. So the lovers would remain separated and would never re-join as one. Her left hand would remain on the plant, and his right hand would wander the earth looking for her. But their hands would never entwine again to walk the way together.

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Did you know? Floriography, also known as the language of flowers, is the practice of attributing meanings and symbolism to flowers and has been recorded in traditional cultures around the world for thousands of years. in Old England, China, Japan and plenty of other places, flowers were used to communicate feelings.

With our flower sets, you can now communicate little things to yourself or your loved ones in a generous manner.


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